Tuesday, September 28, 2010

my first Monet

Okay, so it was not really a Monet, but it was starting to feel like one. If you have ever seen "Clueless" you know what I am talking about... "Seen from far away, it's okay; but up close, it's a big ol' mess". For that reason, I have named this piece Amber.

I had been looking forward to completing this sideboard I picked up in December. GASP! Has it really been that long? Anyway, as I started out in the morning it was a perfect day for painting...60, partly cloudy and no wind. Of course D had to go and mention that. I sanded, I primed, I had lunch, and then I went to paint. (using all my favorites of course!) The wind had picked up and it was turning my excitement into sheer frustration. The blasts of wind were causing drip marks, uneven coverage and random yard items to stick to the wet paint. Apparently Mother Nature was upset with the 8 trees we had removed from our yard last week, and she was letting me know it. Not to let her get to me, I did what I could to fix the mess but it only made things worse.

I decided to go the ole fashion route and use a brush and can. I figured that as long as I could get an even coat of paint, the glaze that I was planning using would be enough to cover some of the blemishes. Of course by this point I was so annoyed that D helped me out. With his help, the paint looked so much better and we worked as a team spreading the glaze. I am so thrilled with the results!

I love how much the details pop with the glaze!

Amber and I have come to terms of some sort, as she sits pretty in our dining room for the time being. Unfortunately the space I had all picked out for her has since been taken over by a large hutch we "inherited" from my mom last weekend. I am hoping we can get the muscle to get the hutch upstairs and Amber can take reign in the Living Room.

Here is before I started sanding (minus the drawers of course). I honestly think it looks better in the picture than it did in real life.

Notice all the paint splatters, including pink and purple? While sanding, I also seemed to wake up some ground in glitter.

After a light coat of spray primer...


  1. I am totally looking for a cool sideboard/dresser for my dining room. I love this!

  2. If I cannot find a place for it, I might sell it... I will let you know :)
